
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Further investigation of digital design in musical performance spaces has certainly had a late influence on the design of the main performance area within the Howard Smith Structure. Due to the perpetual shift towards the digital creation and performance of music it is fair to say that the focus of contemporary performances has become more concerned with visual and audio effects. This is the case as digital equipment and software are gradually taking the place of human performers and it is becoming easier for one person to utilise a range of tools to ultimately make the concept of a 'band' redundant:

This ability for DJ's and producers to be able to carry a performance solo will have a significant impact on the design of the BOH spaces. As the building is primarily concerned with the digital aspects of music, it is expected that the majority of perforances will in fact only require 1 or 2 people on stage at any one time. This will greatly reduce the required area of the green room and other stage related spaces within the structure.

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